Nasal Blockage

Nasal blockage may fluctuate. This fluctuation in symptoms may be related to an inflammation or thickening in the lining of the nose (rhinitis).

Types of Nasal Blockage

Rhinitis can occur in the context of an allergy. It may be helpful for your specialist to organise detailed allergy testing to see if there are any obvious causes for this.

Rhinitis can also occur in the context of sinusitis (symptoms together). Management of rhinitis is largely medical. Occasionally there may be a physical obstruction within the nose. This may hinder delivery of any nasal medication.

Physical obstructions may include a deviated nasal septum, the presence of polyps or enlarged inferior turbinates. The presence of enlarged inferior turbinates are swollen cushions on the inside aspect of your nose.

Review by a specialist and careful examination of the inside of your nose, and assessment with a nasal endoscope will allow such problems to be determined. Treatment of this may also require addressing the sinusitis.

The sinuses are air filled spaces within your skull that are normally filled with air which communicate through natural openings into your nose. If there is a blockage of this natural opening then is can lead to symptoms of sinusitis. Symptoms may include pain, nasal discharge and generally feeling unwell.

Sinusitis is usually initially treated with medication. This medication may include treatment to address the allergies, and topical treatment to address the swelling within the lining of the nose. When medical treatment fails to achieve the desired effect, then we may contemplate surgery.

The sinuses themselves sit close to important anatomical structures which include your brain and your eyes. It is therefore important that your specialist is experiences in undertaking this type of surgery.

In any case, where you need to get expert care from a qualified ENT specialist consultant in Oxford, you can book your consultation today. Firstly, please get in touch with our team by filling out the form here.