Throat Specialist Oxford

The throat plays a role in many functions, including voice production, swallowing and breathing. Problems in this area can cause symptoms which may be specific or at times vague and difficult to describe. The throat is an area which can sometimes be difficult for yourself or your GP to visualise easily. Hence why a throat specialist will be able to examine this area with relative ease, and hopefully be able to diagnose the underlying cause of the problem. Sometimes a reassurance that there is nothing sinister to account for the symptoms otherwise is what is required.

Mr Silva undertakes the management of all throat specialist related problems including the medical and surgical management at both Nuffield Health Oxford and Genesis Care Oxford.

The majority of sore throats are related to an underlying infectious cause. This is often viral in origin and will generally settle in time. This may cause difficulty swallowing, a temperature and a feeling of being generally unwell. This would be expected to settle within a few days with regular analgesia and some rest.

If the sore throat is evidently present on one side only, this should prompt you to see your GP. This may be a sign of a more deep seated infection, which may need more aggressive treatment with antibiotics and possible drainage of any collection of pus.

When a sore throat persists beyond a few weeks and fails to settle, it is sensible to see your GP. Occasionally this may be a sign of something more serious such as a cancer. Whilst this may cause anxiety, it is important to remember that early diagnosis of cancer is the key to successful treatment and cure.

Tonsillitis can be unpleasant for all involved. The symptoms can range from a mild sore throat, to being unwell, with a temperature, sore throat and difficulty swallowing your own saliva. Occasionally it results in people being admitted to hospital for strong antibiotics. Time off work and school can cause significant disruption.

A discussion with your doctor about having your tonsils may be helpful. Whilst the majority will settle in time, there are a proportion of people, where episodes of recurrent tonsillitis cause significant disruption and distress.

Tonsillectomy or removal of the tonsils is one of the commonest ent operations undertaken worldwide. As with all operations there are risks involved. A discussion with your throat specialist is important to determine the exact risks. These include the risk of bleeding and infection, The risk of bleeding is in the region of approximately 5%. Other risks of lesser magnitude include a risk to the teeth. A period of time off work or school is advised usually approximately 2 weeks.

There are numerous methods of removing your tonsils. If you are considering a tonsillectomy, you may wish to talk to your specialist about the various methods involved. Experience of your specialist is the key.

Change in voice or hoarse voice, can affect ones’ ability to undertake their job. If you sing or are in the performance arts this can have a significant impact.

Careful appraisal of the voice box (larynx) is essential. This will involve an examination of the voice box. This may be in combination with a speech therapist. The majority of times, a course of voice therapy by an experienced speech therapist will help with this problem and is all that will be required.

Occasionally there may be a lesion identified on the voice box, which is causing the problem. Your specialist will firstly advise you to have this removed and sampled under a general anaesthetic. This is a day case general anaesthetic procedure.

Swallowing problems can cause distress. There may be an underlying concern by the patient that this represents something of concern, however, a careful assessment and examination by your specialist may all that is required to alleviate any concerns.

Occasionally an MRI scan or swallow test may be required to provide further information. Age related changes in the swallowing tube (oesophagus) can cause on occasion a pouch to develop. This is due to a weakness in the muscle wall of the food pipe, causing something similar to a hernia. In the majority of times, this is confirmed with a Swallow test and can be fixed relatively easily with an endoscopic stapling of the pouch. This can be done under a short general anaesthetic.

Pain on swallowing may be related to a number of factors, including the presence of a narrowing, the presence of acid reflux or indeed more concerning pathology.

The key with all these symptoms is not to ignore them as early diagnosis can subsequently make treatment more successful.

If you have any concerns or you wish to seek an opinion, please contact us here.