The nose is the body’s primary organ of smell and also functions as part of the body’s respiratory system. Air flows through the nose where it is filtered and cleaned before passing through to the lungs. It also passes over specialized cells of the olfactory system, which are responsible for processing smell. The nose is also involved in speech. The hollow cavities of the nose and sinuses act as sound chambers that modify and amplify speech and sound. The sinuses open in to the nose via small openings.
Problems related to the function or structure of the nose result in problems with breathing, smell and even taste. Problems related to the sinuses can cause sinusitis which can result in frequent infections, loss of smell, taste and headaches.
Mr Silva is happy to manage any problems related to the nose and sinuses and will be happy to discuss your concerns.
Nasal blockage may fluctuate. This fluctuation in symptoms may be related to an inflammation or thickening in the lining of the nose (rhinitis). Rhinitis can occur in the context of an allergy. It may be helpful for your specialist to organise detailed allergy testing to see if there are any obvious causes for this.
Rhinitis can also occur in the context of sinusitis (symptoms together). Management of rhinitis is largely medical. Occasionally there may be a physical obstruction within the nose. This may hinder delivery of any nasal medication. Physical obstructions may include a deviated nasal septum, the presence of polyps or enlarged inferior turbinates. The presence of enlarged inferior turbinates are swollen cushions on the inside aspect of your nose. Review by a specialist and careful examination of the inside of your nose, and assessment with a nasal endoscope will allow such problems to be determined.
Treatment of this may also require addressing the sinusitis.
The sinuses are air filled spaces within your skull that are normally filled with air. They communicate through natural openings into your nose. If there is a blockage of this natural opening then is can lead to symptoms of sinusitis. Symptoms may include pain, nasal discharge and generally feeling unwell.
Sinusitis is usually initially treated with medication. This medication may include treatment to address the allergies, and topical treatment to address the swelling within the lining of the nose. When medical treatment fails to achieve the desired effect, then surgery may be contemplated. The sinuses themselves sit close to important anatomical structures which include your brain and your eyes. It is important that your specialist is experiences in undertaking this type of surgery.
Nasal discharge may occur due to a number of different reasons. It is important to determine if there is an infectious cause. If the discharge is one sided and persistent then it is important that there is no underlying sinister cause for the discharge. This can be easily determined by examining the inside of the nose with a nasal telescope, to check for any other causes.
As with all senses in our life, smell is something we rely on as part of enjoyment of our lives, but also can serve to protect us from danger. The smell of burning, the unclean nappy, simple things which help to protect us.
The commonest cause of loss of smell is the simple cold. This will settle in the majority with resolution.
Loss of smell may also be secondary to other problems within the nose or sinuses. If there is total loss of smell, following careful assessment with a nasal camera your specialist may consider organising a scan to check for the small chance this may represent something more serious, although the chance of this finding anything is small.
Changes in the appearance of your nose, can cause problems with breathing but may also cause physical and psychological distress. A septorhinoplasty is an operation to realign the inside and outside of the nose, back to the normal anatomical position.
Pain over the forehead, around & between the eyes is often attributed to the sinuses. In reality only about 10-15% will be due to true sinus related problems. This of course needs to be confirmed. An assessment of the inside of the nose with an endoscope and possibly the use of a CT scan will help to further clarify this. If the sinuses are clear, then other causes of facial pain need to be considered. Occasionally there may be dental related causes for this. Your specialist may also consider referring you on to a neurologist once all other causes have been excluded. This process of elimination is important and maybe what is required to determine the underlying cause.
If you have any concerns or you wish to seek an opinion, please contact us here.